
Influence of Technology on Travel And Tourism Assignment Unit 5


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  • Pages: 27 / Words 6758
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This task describes about formulating and recording influence of technology on Thomas cook. It also explain about the identification of different factors that contribute to project research selection. It also explain about the influence of social media technology and relationship of social media and travel and tourism industry. It also describes about the creation of research project specification and plans and procedure of research specification.

1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications

A research required to get done in better manner where each and every single project outline need to specify in determine manner (Al-Badi, Tarhini and Al-Sawaei, 2017). It is essential to draw and craft better blueprint so that define consideration for the project get done. This outline specification need to get done in better manner so that effective and beneficial assessment get done. The project outline specification includes and define all such aspects which facilitate and support in performing the project in determine manner.

This project is based on influence of technology in travel and tourism sector industry. This get analyse that from past few years, social media is taking appropriate place in determined manner so that economic condition also getting modify in frame (Baka, 2016). This consideration have certain aspects and attribute like formulation. Literature review, data collection, data interpretation etc. Thus, to frame and done this aspect, appropriate aim, objectives and research questions get done so that whole project get execute in better and determined manner.

Thomas Cook will going to organise this aspect in definite manner so that they could utilise and implement appropriate technology so that maximum number of tourist get attracted.

Aim: To identify the influence and impact of social media in spreading travel and tourism sector - A case study on Thomas Cook


  • To analyse the influence of social media technology on expansion of travel and tourism industry
  • To identify the major influences of social media by organisation to enhance travel and tourism sector
  • To determine the relationship of social media technology and travel and tourism industry

Research Question:

  • What will be the influence of social media technology on expansion of travel and tourism sector?
  • Which are the major social media tools which could be utilise by organisation in order to enhance travel and tourism sector?
  • What is a relationship between social media technology and travel and tourism industry?

1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection

A research project selection is not a easy thing but requires certain number of aspects and attribute properly so that definite project would get selected. It is really essential to determine and estimate certain number of factors properly so that a better study get execute which facilitate in drawing beneficial aspects (Giaoutzi, 2017). Certain number of aspects and determination which includes and define about the project selection are define and describe as follow:

  • Benefits: One of a major factor which enable and support in research project selection would be benefit. It is really essential for investigator to determine about benefits and importance which get drawn by such project. Thus, with expansion of technology, it is really essential to determine about influence of social media on travel and tourism industry so that better awareness of technology get done in define course of frame.
  • Feasibility: Another aspect which need to assess and understand would be feasibility to determine that such project will become successful in tenure or not. This signify and enable in defining that such projects require to choose which have lower risk in nature so that all its essentials get fulfil in define frame of manner.
  •  Objective: Another aspect is related with future where investigator have to evaluate major objective of topics. Then from define topics, one of a best one which reflect better future related objective get interpret in suitable manner (Greenwood, 2016). This result in proclaiming definite outcome in nature so that better project get selected.

These are the certain number of factors which contribute in the selection of topic of influence of digital technology on travel and tourism sector. Although, one of a major benefit while selecting this topic would be understanding of where technological expansion get estimate better. Social media is one of a major digital technology tool which assist in drawing and signifying better and effective outcome. Here, risk is lower than the assumptions because all aspects would describe in better manner as well as each and every single aspect get understand on the basis of customer or external respondents.

1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references

Analyse the influence of social media technology on expansion of travel and tourism industry

Social media has develop and made huge impact on the tourism sector. Most of the customers are engage with social media and different sites to the research trips which help in making effective decisions regarding their travels and along with this they are share their personal experience of specific hotel, airline and restaurant (Horner and Swarbrooke, 2016). The travel and tourism company are reach with their customers which directly impact on the sector. It has around 50 million creative and unique travellers or visitors who are mainly seeking with travel data and information and give advice from the sources while they are trust and loyal towards such travel and tourism industry in proper manner. There are various tourism business which are using social media networking which help in achieving better position in the competitive for grace the tourists. The customer who are love the beautiful places so they can easily search those locations where they want to spend their whole day when they are going outside. They required to analysing the social media sites which help in providing accurate data and information in proper manner. This will assist in giving huge amount of income and revenue in appropriately.

Identify the major influences of social media by organisation to enhance travel and tourism sector

The impact of social media in an organisation will create various issues and problems. Travel and tourism  industry is not so far behind as visitors has became comfortable in current time period (Huang and et. al., 2016). Firstly they are identifying best hotels, airlines, etc. along with this, travellers are enhancing the impact by trip view and reviews and visitors can give their response whether the customers gain poor services and facilities. Social media help in increasing number of customer base towards an organisation which help them in enhancing their income and revenue level. This will providing great deal of data and information to their travellers about exploring such things, interesting cuisines on the platter and sub popular hotels. The agents and travel sites can incorporate the travel techniques and methods for learning about visitors requirements and needs and also introduce their personalised tour packages to visit that places. In addition to this, combination with social media marketing provide high scope for travel firm which help in increasing their online presence and streamline the whole data and information about different offers and packages for ensure an alternative solution of specific or desired customer. There are various social media sources by which they are attracting large number of customers such as Facebook, twitter, etc.

Determine the relationship of social media technology and travel and tourism industry

This can be determined as the travel and tourism sector will help in increasing their strong relation with their visitors. Information is assessed by using this and education regarding some interesting attractions can be established in all over the world. Along with this, internet is possibly have most of the famous method of facts and figures on destination and the best way for achieving them (Lester and Scarles, 2016). By using internet, there are various information and data articles on destination can be established that will providing advantages to the travellers or visitors. They will getting high skills and knowledge to analyse which place and location is the best suitable for them and they are offering other services to them. By using the internet in easy manner and at reasonable rate to book. With the online travel agencies, trips and flights can be booked in simple manner by logging on specific sites or websites and they are developing choice from any to specific tour packages which they are offered in better manner. For understanding and evaluating the travel and tourism sector, in this they are attracting large number of people towards their services and facilities.

1.4 Produce a research project specification

A research project specification define and signify the things in better and determined manner. Specification includes and define about all such consideration which support in project execution better (Scott, Hall and Gössling, 2016). This project is based on determination of digital technology on travel and tourism sector where certain number of things enable and support in defining the things better and in determine manner:

  • Problem identification: One of a major specified thing while organising a study is identification of consideration for which project get organise. It is really essential to determine the cause for which study would get organise so that better and define outcome get assess. The major thing for which study would organise is related with identification of technology influence of travel and tourism sector.
  • Approach: The next specification will describe about approaches and methods which are going to utilise for the project (Tussyadiah and Pesonen, 2016). It is really essential to determine and identify all such approaches which enable and support in organise better project working. This section of study define about all  consideration of research methodologies. Hence, this facilitate in conclude better outcome for project.
  • Literature review: A research specification includes about literature review as well. This define and signify about the consideration of literature review where each and every aspect need to understand and assess better on the basis of various scholars aspects and attribute. This result in proclaiming better and determined understanding of the project topic.

1.5 Provide an appropriate plan and procedures for the agreed research specification

A major thing which need to get done while working on a project is action plan. It is really essential to work align and properly with definite action plan so that suitable assessment of working get done. Thus, before commencing any research project, there is a need to craft better and suitable plan and procedure in nature so that supportive working attribute get done.

Thomas Cook study on influence of technology on travel and tourism section is a one month study in which each and every single consideration get evaluated better. This result in causing and claiming beneficial and effective outcome in nature of frame so that determined results could be drawn (Ukpabi and Karjaluoto, 2017). This get done through presenting and making Gantt Chart and Critical path system so that each and every activity get done on define course of time. This result in managing task and divide whole work in better and determined section of consideration.

  • Gantt Chart: This is one of a tool which enable and support in divide the whole work of project into various frame. It includes and define about appropriate starting time with ending date with number of days in which project requires to complete. This study need to complete within 2 months time duration with starting and ending date as well.
  • Critical Path:  This assist in providing shortest path for completed the project with drawing parallel line towards each and every task. This result in defining better and determined things in nature of frame so that suitable assessment get done. Thus, Critical path enables in defining appropriate sign through which whole project get completed. 



This task discuses discuses about the matching resources efficiently to research questions. It also explain about the undertaking the investigation in accordance with specification and procedures. It also discuses about receiving and collecting relevant data when it is important.

2.1 Match resources efficiently to the research question or hypothesis

Resources are all such essential and important aspects which are helpful in order to complete the project in better and determined manner. To execute and done a project better, it is important to identify certain number of things which enable and facilitate to done and complete whole project in better and determined manner.

  • Resources need to met with appropriate and definite manner as per the agreed plan and procedure (Vanhove, 2017). It is first and essential aspect which need to complete for the project.  Time based resource need to accomplish properly so that determined and effective outcome get assess for long period of course. This result in proclaiming signified outcome in reference of frame.
  • Another resource could be related with source of information. It is really essential to utilise better terms of reference for the project so that each and every consideration get done in suitable and define frame of manner. Thus, this resource is another aspect and consideration which need to fulfil in define and determined course of manner.
  • Legal resources will also need to fulfil in describe manner. It is really important to met with appropriate policies, procedures and legal consideration for the define project so that better and supportive outcome could be drawn. Thus, such attribute also need to fulfil and met properly in order to gain and determine effective and beneficial outcome.

2.2 Undertake the proposed research investigation in accordance with the agreed specification and procedures

Proposed research investigation have to get completed in define course of manner. It is really essential to draw and undertake various consideration of the project in account so that better and define course of manner get done. On the basis of agreed procedure and specification, mainly two major sources of consideration requires to understand properly so that beneficial and suitable outcome could be drawn which result in better concerning outcome. Thus, such aspects of study are related with:

  • Primary consideration: One of a major consideration for the project is primary one where all kind of new and natural resources going to include in the project. It is really essential to draw and include such aspects and consideration in account which enable and support in defining various attributes properly (Zaitseva, Goncharova and Androsenko, 2016). Hence, primary consideration enable in managing aspects and attribute of the study in better and determined manner of frame so that beneficial and effective outcome get drawn. This result in proclaiming beneficial and effective frame in manner.
  • Secondary consideration:  Another consideration of the project would be related with secondary ones where books, journals and other kind of sources get included in the project. Thus, such consideration also requires to take in account so that better and definite outcome could be drawn in frame of manner for deriving effective outcome and met with agreed procedure and specification in define manner.

2.3 Record and collate relevant data where appropriate

A data needs to collate and determine properly for the project so that beneficial understanding and effective management of project get done. It is important in order to craft questionnaire better so that suitable results could be drawn. A questionnaire is a set of questions which facilitate and enable in determine the aspects of various respondents in better and define frame of manner. This questionnaire is frame for Thomas Cook whom want to determine the influence of digital technology on travel and tourism sector in order to gain and evaluate better things in nature of consideration so that effective and better outcome could get assess in managing and define aspect. 






Q1 To identify the importance of social media tools in enhancing sales and profitability of firms.

·       Effective Customer Relationships

·       Team Collaboration

·       Boosting brand awareness

·       Maximise Inbound Traffic

Q2 Does social media tools helps in expanding business operation of travel industry all around the globe?

·       Agree

·       Disagree

Q3 What are the major social media tools used by firms in order to promote their travel services?

·       Facebook

·       Twitter

·       Online Portal

·       Twitter

Q4 What are the major marketing strategies used by Thomas Cook ?

Search Engine Optimization

·       Blogging

·       Leverage Influencers

·       Effective social media

Q5 Does social media tools influence the operation of travel sector?

·       Yes

·       No

Q6 Does the social media techniques used by Thomas cook are useful in order to achieve competitive gains at market places?

·       Agree

·       Disagree

Q7 What are the major tools adopted by firm in order to retain loyal customers?

·       Discount offers

·       Low cost services

·       Security

Q8 Are you satisfied with the services offered by Thomas Cook?

·       Yes

·       No

Q9 What rating will you provide to the offered products and services of travel industry?

·       Excellent

·       Good

·       Average

·       Poor

Q10 Provide recommendation by which firms can maximise their sales and profitability ratios?

Below is a information which used to get created properly for the project on which basis of aims and objectives. This information get created in define and effective manner by including aspect of 20 respondents where 10 questions set get asked. This result in drawing effective and beneficial outcome so that better and determined outcome for the project get done in order to assess and define better and supportive outcome.

Q1 To identify the importance of social media tools in enhancing sales and profitability of firms.


·       Effective Customer Relationships


·       Team Collaboration


·       Boosting brand awareness


·       Maximise Inbound Traffic


Q2 Does social media tools helps in expanding business operation of travel industry all around the globe?


·       Agree


·       Disagree


Q3 What are the major social media tools used by firms in order to promote their travel services?


·       Facebook


·       Twitter


·       Online Portal


·       Linked In


Q4 What are the major marketing strategies used by Thomas Cook ?


·       Blogging


·       Leverage Influencers


·       Effective social media


·       Search Engine Optimization


Q5 Does social media tools influence the operation of travel sector?


·       Yes


·       No


Q6 Does the social media techniques used by Thomas cook are useful in order to achieve competitive gains at market places?


·       Agree


·       Disagree


Q7 What are the major tools adopted by firm in order to retain loyal customers?


·       Discount offers


·       Low cost services


·       Security


Q8 Are you satisfied with the services offered by Thomas Cook?


·       Yes


·       No


Q9 What rating will you provide to the offered products and services of travel industry?


·       Excellent


·       Good


·       Average


·       Poor




This task describes about the using of research evaluation techniques. It also explain about analysing and evaluating original project specifications.

3.1 Use appropriate ‘research evaluation techniques'

A research get done and execute through and support with various evaluation techniques and tools. One of a major thing which requires to understand and determine better facilitate in performing effective and beneficial consideration. Thus, following are certain number of aspects which needs to utilise better for evaluate each and every aspect of study better so that beneficial and effective gain could be assess in order to analyse and collect information from various number of sources are define as follow:

  • Sources of data: One of a major tool through which study get evaluate in better and determine manner is source of data. Mainly, there are two major sources get evaluated for collecting and gathering various kind of information in better and define manner. The two sources from which information get gather is primary and secondary source of information. This enable and support in defining each and every single consideration in better and effective manner.
  • Methods: A study get done through certain number of methods and techniques which requires to understand and assist in defining frame of manner. Majorly qualitative and quantitative methods would utilise in the study. Both of these tools facilitate and enable in defining each and every single consideration better so that definite outcome could be gain and drawn properly.
  • Data Analysis: Another consideration through which things get evaluate better and in appropriate manner is data analysis. A data get analyse through interpretation and various graphs and charts as well. This enable and support in analyse each and every single piece of information better so that define and beneficial outcome get assess in long period of course so that a better understanding of the project also get done.
  • Sampling: Another consideration which enable and support in defining the study better and in appropriate manner is sampling. It is such kind of technique or presenting tool which divide the whole respondents of study in equivalent manner so that beneficial aspects get drawn down. This result in proclaiming beneficial and effective outcome in nature of frame so that 

3.2 Interpret and analyse the results in terms of the original research specification

Q1 To identify the importance of social media tools in enhancing sales and profitability of firms.


·       Effective Customer Relationships


·       Team Collaboration



Interpretation: Many of the individuals or respondents stated that social media tool is helpful in enhancing and profitability of firm but also enable in facilitating better customer relationship. This enable and support in defining each and every thing better so that supportive assessment get done in determined and effective manner of frame.

Q2 Does social media tools helps in expanding business operation of travel industry all around the globe?


·       Agree


·       Disagree


Interpretation: Another aspect which get determine through this project stated that social media tool is helpful in expanding business operations all around the world. This enable and support in facilitating things properly because all individuals around the world get attracted via page of company etc.

Q3 What are the major social media tools used by firms in order to promote their travel services?


·       Facebook


·       Twitter


·       Online Portal


·       Linked In


Interpretation: Twitter is determine as one of a major social media tool which enable and support in attracting vast range of individuals recently. Previously this aspect get done by the Facebook but with change in course of time, this get perform through Twitter. Thus Thomas Cook need to utilise this aspect in working properly.

Q4 What are the major marketing strategies used by Thomas Cook ?


·       Blogging


·       Leverage Influencers


·       Effective social media


·       Search Engine Optimization


Interpretation: Thomas Cook start writing various blogs for various countries presentation. This enable and support in and work as major marketing strategy so that determined outcome could be reflected easily. This enable and facilitate to manage various consideration properly which support in enhancing travel and tourism industry of the world.

Q5 Does social media tools influence the operation of travel sector?


·       Yes


·       No


Interpretation: Although, many respondents clearly define that social media tool is beneficial and supportive in order to influence operations properly. This assist and support in defining various sections properly so that better customer base could get determine services in nature of frame.

Q6 Does the social media techniques used by Thomas cook are useful in order to achieve competitive gains at market places?


·       Agree


·       Disagree


Interpretation: A major thing or reason behind utilisation of social media tool is to gain competitive advantage. Hence, many respondents signify that social media technique is helpful for Thomas Cook in order to gain competitive advantage so that better and determined outcome could get assess for long period of course.

Q7 What are the major tools adopted by firm in order to retain loyal customers?


·       Discount offers


·       Low cost services


·       Security


Interpretation: For retaining loyal number of customers Thomas Cook used to provide various discount offers to each and every single user. This enable and facilitate in attracting various clients and users so that they could facilitate and determine effective and supportive outcome in gain.

Q8 Are you satisfied with the services offered by Thomas Cook?


·       Yes


·       No


Interpretation: It get evaluated from above graphs and charts that Thomas Cook services become appropriate and effective in nature. Thus, many of the users get satisfied with services offers by Thomas Cook in definite frame of manner.

Q9 What rating will you provide to the offered products and services of travel industry?


·       Excellent


·       Good


·       Average


·       Poor


Interpretation: Many of the individuals stated rating to Thomas Cook services through digital products. Although rating would be related with excellent and average which enable and support to maximise customer base.

3.3 Make recommendations and areas for further consideration

Conclusion: From the above given information, it can be summarised that effective implementation of digital technology at workplace provide various benefits to company. Use of social media platforms help company in communicate with its target audience in effective manner and another benefit of this is that in help in expand business operations in new areas. Social media platforms largely affect the commercial operations of an organisation so it requires to implement in organisation in better manner so that Thomas Cook can communicate with its customers in better manner. Thomas cook can respond to the needs and wants of its customers quickly, in this way, company can retain its customers for long time period. By offer discount offers to company can attract large number of customers and can generate more profits.

Recommendation: From the above given project, it is recommended to Thomas Cook to offer discount offers to its target customers as this help in grasp the attention of more and more number of customers and directly increase the number of revenues.  It is very essential for firm to provide proper training to its employees so they can easily operate with digital tools at workplace and can perform their roles and responsibilities in better manner. communication with customers is known as one of the most important element that largely affect the success and failure of business. It is very essential for company to proper communication with the target audience so it can provide them product and features as per their specific requirements.



This task describes about using agreed format and appropriate media to present outcomes of research to audience.

4.1 Use an agreed format and appropriate media to present the outcomes of the research to an audience

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  • Lester, J. A. and Scarles, C., 2016. Mediating the tourist experience: From brochures to virtual encounters. In Mediating the Tourist Experience (pp. 19-30). Routledge.
  • Scott, D., Hall, C. M. and Gössling, S., 2016. A review of the IPCC Fifth Assessment and implications for tourism sector climate resilience and decarbonization. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 24(1). pp.8-30.
  • Tussyadiah, I. P. and Pesonen, J., 2016. Impacts of peer-to-peer accommodation use on travel patterns. Journal of Travel Research. 55(8). pp.1022-1040.
  • Ukpabi, D. C. and Karjaluoto, H., 2017. Consumers' acceptance of information and communications technology in tourism: A review. Telematics and Informatics. 34(5). pp.618-644.
  • Vanhove, N., 2017. The Economics of Tourism Destinations: Theory and Practice. Routledge.
  • Zaitseva, N.A., Goncharova, I.V. and Androsenko, M.E., 2016. Necessity of changes in the system of hospitality industry and tourism training in terms of import substitution. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. 6(1).
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